
2021 Nottinghamshire Business Awards

JULY 2021

I was honoured to be asked by headline sponsors Futures Group to assist in judging their category for ‘Apprentice employer of the year’ at the Nottingham Post Business Awards which was hosted by

As judges, we had the task of interviewing the final three shortlisted companies and making our decisions based on a number of aspects outlined in our brief.

The black tie award ceremony took place at East Midlands Conference Centre, which attracted over four hundred industry experts from a wide range of industries.


2018 Food & Drink Awards

I was honoured to be asked by Nottingham Post to be a judge for their 2018 Food & Drink Awards, hosted by the hilarious Joel Dommett (pictured).

As judges, we had the task of sifting through over 7000 nominations!

We were also allocated a budget to mystery dine at our top three shortlisted restaurants within our allocated categories’- mine being ‘Fine dining’.

My shortlisted restaurants were La Rock, Harts and Alchemilla where I was able to enjoy fantastic meals at all three venues with top notch hospitality.

The black tie award ceremony took place at East Midlands Conference Centre which attracted over five hundred industry experts from hoteliers to restaurant owners to front of house, chefs and hospitality students.


Ladies Day @ The Races

I was asked to be main judge at Ladies Day at Nottingham Racecourse for seven years running, being a supporter of the day, through my business networks- WREN and RSViP.

The day was always fun, as we exhibited our brands, had our banner at the finish line which was always featured on Sky Sport and got involved in the ladies day competition, where I was asked to select the finalists on stage and choose and present the prizes to the winners.


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